Sunday, July 25, 2021

Just go with the wind

The last time I had this feeling, I ended up quitting my shitty job (a job that had no clear career path) and the next day, I was on a flight to "somewhere". 

I don't know where did I got the courage to buy the flight ticket, without a proper plan and I didn't even know where to stay! The best part is am I travelling alone? I miss the super-brave-yet-coward-little me 😟

That's the best part of growing up. When you are in the phase of no longer a kid but not yet ready to adulting. 

[The awkward life phase]

I was so naive before. When I got my first job, I was full of hope and I thought I can give my best to make a difference in the world. Joke on you, everyone had the same thinking that they can try to make a difference in the world. But look at us now. 

The truth is all these pandemic thingy and never-ending-mco is making me drowning. I'm tired of everything. I'm worn out. I'm sick of not having the power to control my life. Every day is like a constant battle - between the real us and the villain side of us. 

They said the struggle is what keeps us going. Nope, the constant struggle is thinning our hopes day by day. It's so exhausting. Do you know the feeling of wanting to take a day off, but you don't want to lay on your bed doing nothing. You want to have the freedom to go anywhere, do anything, relive. Screw MCO, we don't have the right to do so. 

I need a break, or I might do the same decision that I made in 2017.