Friday, December 6, 2013

purifies your soul

This sem I took pengajian Islam. The funny thing is students 4 orang je. Bayangkan kalau semua berpakat tak nak datang kelas, so they left you alone. Hadaplah syarahan ustaz untuk 3 jam dengan jayanya. Mana nak lari kalau ustaz tanya? Nak sorok belakang Yulia pun tak boleh. haha

The first thing yang ustaz cakap on our first lecture was:

'You nak datang pakai tudung or not is up to you. But follow the dress-code, that's all. You guys bukan budak kecik lagi untuk nak paksa to do thing that you're not comfortable with, right?' 

If you are one of the student in the class, what will you respond?

'Senang hati, no need to be hypocrite.' 

The thing is for whom you're obey to?  So i asked ustaz, I guess it had happened before? Don't you think you're not playing your role as a preacher? In against the sins? Amal makruf nahi mungkar?

He calmly responded:

' Aisyah, if someone forces you to wear proper attire as a muslimah, but you don't like it perhaps you're not ready yet will you follow his order? If you're happened to do it, maybe ada sedikit timbul rasa tak ikhlas. Will you earn His mercy? Kita bukan hamba pada manusia yang perlu kita taat, we're His servants. And in term of not being a good preacher, I do teach about dosa dan pahala, haram dan wajib in our first chapter, so I do advice my students. terpulang pada masing-masing untuk evaluate mana yang betul mana yang salah.'

I smiled and I said to him that I just want to hear his respond if someone asks him so. So he laughed. 

That's the story of being a good servant. Now let's talk about from whom you should listen to? Kita selalu balas bila ada orang tegur kita kita cakap 'kau tu pun bukannya baik mana.' Jadi nak tunggu siapa yang clean from any sin nak bagi nasihat? Kita bukan nabi yang bersifat maksum (terpelihara dari dosa). Dosa itu memang tak boleh lari, itu berbalik pada topik iman dan nafs (nafsu) but now let's focus on the concept of da'i.

“All human beings are sinners; the best of the sinners are those who repent.” 
(Ibn Majah, Zuhd, 30)

“If you were not to commit sins, Allah would sweep you out of existence and would replace you by other people who would commit sins, and then would ask forgiveness from Allah.” 
(Muslim, Tawbah, 9, 10, 11)

We are sinners. Allah is the Forgiver. We make mistakes; Allah forgives us. We disobey Him; Allah pardons us. We repent; Allah accepts our repentance. Allah is al- Ghafur (the Pardoner), al-Afuww (the Pardoner), al-Ghaffar (the Forgiving), at-Tawwab (the Acceptor to Repentance). no matter how huge your sin is, Allah is always there. Dakwah itu wajib walaupun kita hanya sampaikan satu ayat, itu dikira berdakwah juga.

"Let there be a community among you, who call to the good, enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. They are the ones who have success.
(Surah Al-'Imran, verse 104)

But the problem about me is, yes saya mengaku once I know about that person, when s(he) tries to give me an advice I will listen, because we have to respect em, tapi mesti ada terlintas 'dia ni, tegur orang tak pernah reflect diri sendiri ke?' I know that's wrong tapi macam mana nak tegur orang ke arah baik kalau you sendiri pun buat benda yang sama? Don't you think nasihat itu tak terlekat pun pada orang yang dinasihati itu? For me, I do believe in these ayat 'sebelum nak menasihati mereka, perbaiki dulu diri sendiri (the greatest successful is the one who purifies his soul) Jadi diri sendiri itu perlu dibaiki sebelum nak baiki diri orang lain. and there's an ayat said 'golongan nereka adalah mereka yang menyampaikan perkara yang baik tetapi tidak melaksanakan.' 

Don't take it lightly. It's a simple ayat but carries such a huge meaning. Sebagai contoh, bila kawan tegur 'hey why you wear super fit jeans? mana boleh pakai macam ni menampakkan susuk badan!' Turned out that she also wear slim-fit blouse yang jarang. So the question is, macam mana nak tegur orang kalau kita sendiri tak take that action to against that thing?

Truly saya memang tak suka nak give any advice that related to upon being a good servant because it's against my stand. Like tegur orang to perform solah 'kau ni, aku tak pernah nampak pun pegang sejadah?' yet, she also rarely perform solah. Tak pernah terasa ke macam wow! aku sendiri pun banyak loopholes tak qualified untuk tegur orang lagi. 

Amal makruf nahi mungkar, give advice by using your hands, or your tongue and heart. Everything is clearly stated in Quran, but it's up to us on how to processing it. I'm writing it as a reminder to myself and if you find any words that might help you, do take it.

Walaupun ianya hanya satu ayat dalam Quran, tetapi boleh bawa maksud beribu, seperti alif-lam-mim. Reflect back yourselves, who am I?