Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Decide your choice

Talking about choice, kita dah lama buat pilihan sejak dari azali lagi. Kita pilih untuk ditiupkan ruh dan kita pilih untuk terus kekal hidup sampai tiba masa dipanggil kembali. Tapi kita selalu fikir yang 'the state of making a decision only happen when you're reaching 20's". To continue study or not, what kind of job do you want, to do this or that etc? We believe that making decision is actually a part of growing up or entering adulthood. Nah, you're wrong. 

The fundamental of making decision dah lama revolve around you it just you're entering the different level day by day. You enter the next stage where things getting serious or complex. Dia bergerak seiring dengan perkembangan minda kau juga. Tak kan selamanya pilihan kau hanya pada pilihan mainan atau gula-gula bukan? Hidup uji kau seiring dengan perkembangan minda dan daya fikiran kau juga. It's a fair game. 

Terkadang kita belajar dari pilihan yang dibuat yang membawa kepada kegagalan atau kesilapan. Dari pilihan pertama kita bergerak ke pilihan kedua. Kita fikir "well yeah, second choice will definitely be the good choice." Sebab dah belajar dari kesilapan dan kita tak akan ulang lagi. 

Here's the thing, second choice is not always the best nor the bad move. When you're caught in a shit situation, hoping that you can escape from that room with that second choice. Running away from everything and start all over again, with that second choice. Because you believe that the second choice is your life saviour. Much needed. But throughout the progress, you notice that it's as same as the first situation. Shit!

You're still caught in the same uncertainty, it just this time it's different role, different play, different stage, that's all. Itu lah orang kata pure bliss that lasts for 7 seconds. Nak patah balik, you know you're not going back to that shit place and hadap benda yang sama balik and to stay with your current decision sama je macam kau clock in clock out, dan hilang passion. How about we change the game? But then you realise it's too soon to jump into a new phase. Habis, apa yang kau nak? See, decision making is getting thicker bila kau makin menua. 

Jarang aku jumpa orang tua yang ekspresi mukanya gelisah. Aku lihat mereka begitu bersahaja menghirup kopi, mengelamun di halaman rumah seakan kesemua beban sudah hilang di bahu. Anak muda sahaja yang senantiasa gelisah. Bila agaknya boleh jadi seperti mereka?